Hi all!
My creativity challenge is still going strong, and I have managed to create something, or be creative in some way, every day this year so far... Which is great!
If you're sitting there thinking 'um, she hasn't made anything in ages', that's not true! I've been super busy behind the scenes creating as much pretty stuff as possible on my blog, as well as creating subscriptions and links and tutorial pages and linky party pages, feature pages etc on my blog so it makes life much easier (and prettier!) here on my blog!
I have now set up an RSS feed via feed burner, so if you click on my pretty links that look like this 
you'll be able to subscribe to my blog via email or other feeds! The Facebook and pinterest tabs in the same spot will allow the same!
I've also been jazzing up my 'Other Blogs Emmie Loves' page with some pretty banners like this
and spruced up my header (as you can see above) and created a new button!
I'm currently working on my tutorials page, and that should be up and running in a much prettier and easier to use format really soon.
I'm just loving writing my blog and making such fun and creative little projects and I think if I have a great canvas to display my work, then it makes it much easier for all of to enjoy!
New projects come in a few days... Toys, blinds and a chair.....
Stay tuned!!
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