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...Homemade Ice Cream Cake!

...Homemade Ice Cream Cake!

A few weeks ago I was absolutely blown away by a cake made by a very good friend Leanne. As much as we all raved about, she kept saying how easy it was so I thought it'd give it a go for Rachael's birthday party!

The recipe is off and is completely open to interpretation. I kept it pretty close to the original as the recipe is about as good as it can be. You can find the recipe here.

I basically needed to set a day aside as my freezer is a bit dodgy, plus, I didn't allow enough time for the overnight freezing, so I suppose Leanne was right in saying it was easy-just time consuming!!

Here's my process-

The ingredients for this cake are not exactly the best if you're counting calories! Also, make sure you go through the self-serve checkout so the lady doesn't look at you funny!

I scooped half a tub of chocolate icecream into a mixing bowl, allowed it to soften then I actually tried to melt a Mars Bar to put in the first layer but it just didn't work as I wanted it to as it went all hard and stringy. I still stirred it into the ice-cream, but thought I'd better still add something exciting...Chocolate Ripple biscuits! They ended up making this layer like cookies and cream, yum!

I decided to use a round tin instead of a rectangle as I really like the look, and I also halved the recipe as I was only serving 10 people as opposed to 20 as the recipe suggests. 
I lined the tin with baking paper, then slopped this first layer and smoothed it out in the bottom of the tin.

After letting layer one freeze for about 2 hours... (and many freezer related dramas) I moved onto layer 2.

The pictures really tell the story of deliciousness! In this layer you can add what you like, really! I put in Maltesers and Violet Crumble, just as the recipe suggests, but I'd also like to use berries next time!


Spread your vanilla layer over your first chocolate layer!

After the vanilla layer, I spread more crushed chocolate ripple biscuits before layering it with the second batch of chocolate ice cream

Freeze the cake for as long as you can, preferably overnight (I only had a few hours) then serve it up!!

I topped my deeelish cake with mixed berries, Maltesers and crushed Chocolate Ripple bickies.

It went down pretty well, no complaints!

1 comment:

  1. Looks insanely delicious Em! I've made Mars Bar Ice Cream before (with my ice cream machine) and with that you add chopped Mars Bar to the warm custard before cooling and churning the mix. I also add chopped Mars Bar pieces near the end of the churning process. If you're using already-made ice cream, you could try melting it totally to avoid the stringy Mars Bar issue, but then you may have problems with ice crystals forming as you re-freeze. Hope this helps!


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